Re: Letter ::= BaseChar CombiningChar* | Ideographic /* ??? */

>From: "Jerzy Miernik" <>
>Date: Mon, 16 Nov 1998 07:06:38 -0500

>there is
> a statement that "these classes combine to form the class of letters", in
>the first
> paragraph of Annex B. The two statements are not supported by the
>production 84.
> The first statement is not supported by production 87 in the sense of "or
> combining characters". This could be handled perhaps by a new production

Thank you for your note.  The prose you refer to was correct in the
first public draft, but it was apparently not revised when the productions
in question were changed.

-C. M. Sperberg-McQueen

Received on Monday, 23 November 1998 17:15:53 UTC