[XML11TF] (on the "restrictive" option)

One of the option is to restrict the SOAP infoset to ensure it is XML 1.0

From part 1, 4.2
The binding framework does not require that every binding use the XML 1.0
[XML 1.0]  serialization as the "on the wire" representation of the XML
infoset; compressed, encrypted, fragmented representations and so on can
be used if appropriate. A binding, if using XML 1.0 serialization of the
XML infoset, MAY mandate that a particular character encoding or set of
encodings be used.
So the REC already say that the infoset is not restricted but bindings may
restrict what may be serializable and may not. The other serializations
option are not limitative but don't take into account explicitely
non-XML1.0-serializable infosets.

Then in part2,
7.1.4 HTTP Media-Type

Conforming implementations of this binding:

   1.  MUST be capable of sending and receiving messages serialized using
       media type "application/soap+xml" whose proper use and parameters
       are described in A. The application/soap+xml Media Type.
   2.  MAY send requests and responses using other media types providing
       that such media types provide for at least the transfer of SOAP XML
   3.  MAY, when sending requests, provide an HTTP Accept header field.
       This header field:
          * SHOULD indicate an ability to accept at minimum "application/soap+xml".
          * MAY additionally indicate willingness to accept other media
            types that satisfy 2 above.

The MUST here seems to put a restriction on what message may be serialized
(as we can read this of being an obligation to be able to serialize in a
format defined by the media type application/soap+xml).

Also, if you have a XML 1.0 happy infoset and a serialization in
iso-8859-1 with some non ascii characters in it, how will react a node, as
only UTF-8 and UTF-16 encoding are required to be supported?

Restricting to XML 1.0 at the infoset level may not be enough.

Yves Lafon - W3C
"Baroula que barouleras, au tiéu toujou t'entourneras."

Received on Monday, 15 March 2004 12:07:45 UTC