Issue 447 (identifying XOP packages) proposal

In the latest XOP Editors' Draft [1], the following changes:

Section 2.2.1,
"... and MUST be identified with the [ TBD ] media type."  --> "...and 
MUST be identified with a media type that is specific to the XOP 
encoding of the input Infoset's media type, as described in Section 5."

Section 4.1,
"...and identify it as the root part according to the packaging 
mechanism's convention." --> "...and identify it as the root part 
according to the packaging mechanism's convention, labeling it with the 
appropriate media type, as described in Section 5."

Section 5,
"XOP Packages can use any of a variety of packaging mechanisms, and 
furthermore can serialize any number of XML formats. To enable 
applications to identify the use of XOP as well as the original 
Infoset's media type, formats wishing to allow XOP serialization MUST 
register a distinct media type that identifies the format of the XOP 
Infoset. In use, this media type will be used to label the XOP 
package's root part, while the package's media type iteself is 

For example, if the format identfied by "application/soap+xml" wishes 
to allow XOP serialization, it must register another media type (e.g., 
"application/soap_xop+xml"). A XOP Package using the Multipart/Related 
packaging mechanism and serializing such an Infoset would have a 
package media type of "multipart/related" and a root media type of 

Processors wishing to identify the use of XOP or the media type of the 
resulting Output Infoset must examine the root media type of the 

Note that there is currently no convention for structuring XOP-based 
media types.


Mark Nottingham   Principal Technologist
Office of the CTO   BEA Systems

Received on Friday, 12 March 2004 18:39:37 UTC