RE: Binary attachments to XP


>I think that the discussion at Redmond and on this list demonstrates there is
>sufficient interest, and even alarm at the prospect that there may be some
>gotchas if we don't carefully consider these "solutions proposed by other
>and even recommend one that we know works well with the other mechanisms of XP
>that we design.  I would recommend that we give more visibility to this issue
>the work of the committee, through a requirement if necessary, possibly through
>an additional binding (MIME-multipart?) and certainly through usage

An issue with a MIME/multipart binding is that it implies that the envelope is
still to be XML, and that MIME becomes just a wrapper, not the envelope.  I
believe the issue at hand is whether or not that's the best solution for our

Mark Baker, Sun Microsystems
Ottawa, Ontario, CANADA

Received on Wednesday, 24 January 2001 21:40:48 UTC