RE: [DS5] Request with acknowledgement - revised

In the concall, one proposed wording had:
 "a message is returned indicating the disposition of transfer"

What about combining Stuart's suggestion and the above to:

DS5	A sender wishes to reliably exchange data with a receiver. 
	It wishes to be notified of the disposition of the data
	delivery to the receiver, i.e.
      either 1) that data has been successfully delivered to
	the receiver,
	or 2) of any failure or possible failure of delivery to
	the receiver.

The above wording tries to add to Stuart's proposal, an emphasis 
on the delivery being all the way to the receiver.

If a concise definition is preferred, the explanatory either-or 
section could be dropped.

Yin Leng 

-----Original Message-----
From: Williams, Stuart []
Sent: Thursday, 25 January 2001 7:54 
To: ''
Subject: RE: [DS5] Request with acknowledgement - revised


Following the phone conference how about:

DS5	A sender wishes to reliably exchange data with a receiver. 
	It wishes to be notified either 1) that data has been 
	successfully delivered to the intended recipient, or 2)
	of any failure or possible failure to deliver the data.



> -----Original Message-----
> From: []
> Sent: 18 January 2001 13:58
> To:
> Subject: [DS5] Request with acknowledgement - revised
> DS5   A sender wishes to exchange data with a receiver. Data is sent
>       from the sender to the receiver, and a positive acknowledgement
>       is returned to the sender indicating a successful transfer.
> Note: DS5 differentiates from DS3 and DS4 in that an 
> acknowledgement is
>       semantically different from any business-level response which
>       the receiver might send.  The acknowledgement only indicates a
>       successful transfer of the message from one node to another.
> XML Technology and Messaging,
> IBM UK Ltd, Hursley Park,
> Winchester, SO21 2JN
> Tel: (work) +44 (0)1962 815188        (home) +44 (0)1722 781271
> Fax: +44 (0)1962 816898
> Notes Id: John Ibbotson/UK/IBM
> email:

Received on Wednesday, 24 January 2001 18:38:50 UTC