www-validator@w3.org from March 2013 by subject

"textcenter" is not a member of a group specified for any attribute

[VE][79] Add Subject Here

[VE][html5] Add Subject Here

[VE][html5] Character Set ISO-8859-1 vs windows-1252



Conformance checking of @longdesc

Encoding not supported

Error with registered keyword apple-itunes-app

error: Bad value prettyPhoto for attribute rel on element a - bushurenprijs.nl

escaped & not validated correctly

False positive on metadata name

False positive: Bad value msapplication-TileImage for attribute name on element meta: Keyword msapplication-tileimage is not registered.

Latin-1 not in utf-8 processing?

Locally installed checklink not working on authenticated pages

Meta - Escaped quote should be OK - HTML4 strict (email)

Out of date warning message

UTF-8 "assumed" even though explicitly stated


Validation failing incorrectly on bad value for encoding name

validator won't return json

XHTML5 and polyglot validation

Last message date: Friday, 29 March 2013 23:17:29 UTC