Re: [VE][html5] Character Set ISO-8859-1 vs windows-1252

Philip TAYLOR <P.Taylor@Rhul.Ac.Uk>, 2013-03-23 09:24 +0000:

> You wrote :
> > It's the result of an intentional update I pushed to the W3C validator
> > a couple of days ago in order to bring it in line with the current HTML
> > spec, 
> and thus I was asking about /the current HTML 5 draft specification/,
> as documented on the main W3C site (single page version), not about
> some work-in-progress document that could change from moment to moment.

If you mean the CR draft, the validator isn't intended to be limited to
tracking the CR draft. So the CR draft isn't relevant. In my reply to your
question about the checking of character-set encoding values, I pointed you
to the document that actually is relevant.

The validator tracks the latest available version of HTML, along with
relevant extension specifications. That's why for example it already
includes support for the <main> element, and why last week I also updated
it to now recognize the longdesc attribute as valid (including a check to
ensure its value is a valid URL).


Michael[tm] Smith

Received on Saturday, 23 March 2013 15:16:41 UTC