Re: validation in Opera

Håkon Wium Lie wrote:

 >Dear validators,
 >I come in peace.
 >As you may know, the Opera browser offers to validate pages by
 >uploading the source to the W3C validator. To get to this function,
 >you right-click on the page, Fram->Validate source.
 >This feature doesn't work very well at the moment. There are two 
 >[snip ...]

This strikes me as an entirely inappropriate request.

The validator shouldn't "assume" anything, except that the
standards are to be applied.

I obtained the "Opera" browser last week. I got both the
Windows version and the Linux version -- 7.01 for Windows,
and 6.11 for Linux.

I want to test my pages against this browser, since I under-
stand many people are using it.

One of the really annoying things -- to me -- is that Opera
has a user option that lies about the browser that's running.
It will identify itself as Opera, or as Netscape, or as MSIE,
depending on the way the user switch is set.

How can I code my pages to accomodate the little quirks in
the Opera browser if the program won't identify itself properly
when an Opera user visits my page?

How can standards be standards if we lower them just to
let some software authors put a "cool" feature in their

Standards should be standards, and the validator ought
to apply them consistently.  dcb

Received on Tuesday, 11 March 2003 15:31:00 UTC