Re: validation in Opera

Also sprach David Bryant:

 > One of the really annoying things -- to me -- is that Opera
 > has a user option that lies about the browser that's running.
 > It will identify itself as Opera, or as Netscape, or as MSIE,
 > depending on the way the user switch is set.
 > How can I code my pages to accomodate the little quirks in
 > the Opera browser if the program won't identify itself properly
 > when an Opera user visits my page?

Opera always adds the string "Opera" at the end of the UA string.

Users sometimes need to change the identification to get into their
favorite web sites. For example, refuses access to Opera
when it identifies itself as "Opera".

 > How can standards be standards if we lower them just to
 > let some software authors put a "cool" feature in their
 > programs?

Which standard are you referring to in particular?

              Håkon Wium Lie                          cto °þe®ª        

Received on Friday, 14 March 2003 17:36:27 UTC