Minutes of TAG telcon 2013-10-17

We had several visitors for this meeting, which focussed on questions
around the question of standarisation of JSON.  These minutes were
delayed in order to give those visitors a chance to review them, but
are now available online at


and below in text form.

Discussion of possible next steps can be found in a thread [1]
starting the same day on this mailing list.


[1] http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/www-tag/2013Oct/0029.html
                                   - DRAFT -

                  Technical Architecture Group Teleconference

                                  17 Oct 2013


          Daniel Appelquist, Tim Bray, Doug Crockford, Tim Berners-Lee,
          Sergey Konstantinov, Yves Lafon, Philippe Le Hegaret, Peter
          Linss, Matt Miller, Alex Russell, Wendy Seltzer, Jeni Tennison,
          Henry S. Thompson, Anne van Kesteren

          Yehuda Katz

          Daniel Appelquist

          Henry S. Thompson


     * [2]Topics
         1. [3]JSON liaison

JSON liaison

   DKA: Welcome to our guests
   ... The topic of JSON came up at the recent TAG f2f
   ... Particularly the question of the relation between work and specs at
   [4]ECMA TC39 and the [5]IETF JSON WG
   ... We wanted to help with any possible coordination issues, but didn't
   feel we had enough information
   ... And thought that getting a number of the relevant players from the
   two groups "in the same room"
   ... So here we are
   ... So, AR, what were your particular concerns

   AR: We were trying to see if we could identify and perhaps better
   coordinate wrt what we saw as overlap between TC39 work and IETF JSON
   WG work

   DKA: Potential output would be a decision to spawn some joint work, but
   everything is on the table
   ... If the TAG can help, we'd like to

   MM: I'm one of the cochairs of JSON WG at the IETF

   MM: [6]RFC 4627 is the only existing IETF JSON doc, but it's

   MM: The WG was chartered to revise this to the Standards track, as
   there was real need from other IETF docs for a normative reference
   ... IETF participation in WGs is by individuals volunteering, and a
   number of people have gotten invovled
   ... We reached WG consensus recently, and are now in what is known as
   WG Last Call at the IETF
   ... The next step would be IETF Last Call

   <twbray> Possibly of interest related to this discussion:

   <twbray> Specifications of JSON:

   <twbray> Introduction to This Revision:

   <twbray> Appendix A. Changes from RFC 4627:

   HST: IETF LC is similar to W3C Last Call and/or CR, in that it's a) the
   point at which wide review is appropriate and b) the point before

   <annevk> So, FWIW, the combination of XMLHttpRequest's JSON and JSON's
   definition in ECMAScript has a wider grammar than this RFC

   <annevk> It doesn't seem useful from a platform perspective...

   DKA: Is IETF LC our opportunity to get involved?
   ... AK, AR, could you say what you think the issues are?

   AR: I'd first like to hear DC's perspective

   DC: I'm not involved now in the IETF effort -- I was for a while, but
   left the WG because I was concerned about the direction the WG was
   ... I went back to ECMA and produced a grammar of JSON as a
   serialization of Javascript:
   ... Which was intended for other specs and so on to reference

   <slightlyoff> didn't understand...what's the issue?

   DC: The old RFC 4627 was never intended to be a language spec., it was
   a necessary part of registering the application/json media type

   TBL: What was the char encoding?

   AvK: [inaudible]

   TBL: I think you're talking about the US-ASCII default for the text/...
   MIME tree

   <annevk> What I tried to say was that text/* has a bunch of IETF legacy
   they don't really want to get around, but implementers have. So we have
   text/vtt and such today that work sanely...

   DKA: When was the old RFC?

   DC: July 2006

   DKA: So maybe that's water under the bridge -- TB, what's your view?

   TB: The draft we published a few weeks ago is worth a look
   ... There are many specifications of JSON: json.org, ecmascript 5.2,
   rfc4627, ecma 404
   ... hard to see any as more canonical than any others

   TB: They are all consistent, except for the original 4627 which has
   some top-level constraints
   ... the IETF draft
   ([11]http://tools.ietf.org/html/draft-ietf-json-rfc4627bis-06), which I
   encourage you all to read, just retakes the RFC and adds notes about
   places where interoperability problems have been observed

   AR: I have recalled from the TC39 discussions that there was debate
   about the semantics which was encodable
   ... ECMA404 explictly declines talk about the semantics: willful
   ... Embedding specs, e.g. browser specs, might supply (most likely)
   Javascript semantics
   ... Whereas the IETF draft does give some semantics
   ... DC, can you confirm that "no semantics" was your intent?

   DC: Yes, precisely -- that's a matter for consuming application

   TBL: So some flexibility in interpretation?

   DC: Yes -- what I did not want to do was require that what Javascript
   does is what everyone should do

   AR: Whereas I hear the IETF saying that this "willful ignorance" leads
   to interop problems

   AR: And they want to fix that
   ... TB, is that right?

   TB: No, I don't think so
   ... First, "the IETF" doesn't say anything as such

   TB: Second, the WG thinks that JSON generally works great
   ... interoperability is good
   ... There are a few areas where interoperability issues have been
   observed, and the IETF draft [4627bis] tries to enumerate them
   ... but the IETF draft does NOT contain any MUSTs or SHOULDs that
   weren't in 4627

   TB: In particular, in my day job work wrt identity some of these give
   rise to security vulnerabilities

   <twbray> One particular standards-writing pain point is that people who
   are doing identity standards is that they have to reference JSON and
   then add extra criteria such as MUST NOT have dupe keys. We'd like to
   give them something to point to so they don't have to repeat that for
   every standard

   DKA: Are you aware of incompatibility with ECMA404?

   AvK: ECMA404 specifies a language which is a superset of the language
   in 4627bis

   AvK: A document consisting of 'false' is allowed by ECMA404, but not by

   TB: Yes, that's the point I mentioned above which we inherited from

   AvK: What we want is to have interop with the JSON that Javascript will

   <annevk> What we want for web platform APIs is to have interoperability
   with JSON.parse() from JavaScript

   <annevk> E.g. xhr.responseType = "json"; alert(xhr.response) when you
   load a resource that contains "false" should give the false value

   DKA: So is that interop point something the WG has looked at?

   TB: Not as such, no. There are lots of JSON parsers in lots of
   languages, and they seem to interoperate well

   <annevk> It seems if you load such a document in Python that ought to
   work too

   <slightlyoff> twbray, what was the consensus about?

   MM: We did discuss expanding the top-level constraint, but since there
   are parsers [?] which have a problem with that, we didn't make a change

   JT: Is this similar to the kind of issue with HTML where the main HTML
   spec. describes all sorts of strings which masquerade as HTML, because
   that's what browsers need to do, but the TAG argued for an authors'
   spec, to describe what should be produced for best interop
   ... Is this the same issue? Is the ECMA404 language the broader one,
   and the 4627bis one the author's spec?

   DC: No, it's not like that

   <slightlyoff> is this about using the word "JSON" vs. saying "IETF is
   spec-ing a subset with the following constraints..."?

   TB: 4627bis says things such as "if there are no duplicate keys, you
   will achieve good interop, whereis if you have duplicate keys, the
   following interop problems have been observed"

   <slightlyoff> twbray, is that the extent of the subsetting?

   <twbray> Recommend you guys read the IETF draft.

   <slightlyoff> twbray, if so...could we just put that language into one
   of the other specs?

   DKA: Is there something to be done to improve the interop issue?

   DC: I don't see an interop problem

   <slightlyoff> here's my worry: we're going to have multiple specs that
   say mostly the same things, distinguished by non-normative
   language...why do we have that then?

   <dka> Alex, can you clarify "non-normative language"?

   <slightlyoff> dka, so ISTM that this isn't about the grammar, it's
   about the advice to users

   <annevk> Well the grammar is different between Ecma and IETF

   <annevk> So if Python follows IETF they can't parse all the things XHR

   <annevk> Unless Python implements some XHR bindings... but that'd be
   sad for different reasons

   TBL: If two different implementations do two different things with the
   same document, expectations may be confounded
   ... E.g. if someone uses append to override earlier keys, but this
   doesn't always have that effect, there is a security risk

   TB: Precisely -- that's why the IETF draft points out this kind of

   TBL: So it would be nice to have a kind of JSON-strict which would
   avoid these pitfalls

   TB: We have discussed going further to produce something along those
   lines, but not yet on the table

   <twbray> There have been proposals to produce something called I-JSON
   which has MUST NOTs for all the interoperability problems, i.e. no dupe
   keys, no broken Unicode.

   MM: Our charter is restricted to updating 4627, so such work would only
   come later -- please join us if you'd like to help with that in due

   AvK: If the grammar is different between 404 and 4627bis, then
   following one vs. the other will produce different behaviour, for
   example with the 'false' document.
   ... The Web Platform specs will be following ECMA404 here

   TB: 4627 requires the top-level to be an array or a list, and some
   implementations enforce that restriction

   AvK: ECMA404 only requires a value

   AR: Now that there's an [scribe missed]

   <JeniT> bottom line is that having two specs for the same thing sucks
   for everyone

   <slightlyoff> JeniT, but it seems like we're gonna have that,
   regardless of the mimetype def location in this case

   <JeniT> yes

   <annevk> JeniT, W3C could take some lessons there too

   <slightlyoff> JeniT, so while I agree, I'm not sure how we get either
   ECMA or IETF to say "cool...it's theirs instead"

   HST: It is now entirely possible for ECMA to submit a registration for
   application/json, referring to ECMA404, but there is already an IETF WG
   chartered to do just that, namely the JSON WG, and having two competing
   attempts to register a media type is a bad thing.

   TBL: I really don't like the situation where it's necessary to have a
   media type registration document which is separate from the language

   <twbray> nb: There have been proposals for JSON fragment ids

   TBL: So I would like to see the original ECMA spec. submitted to the
   IETF -- better practice

   DKA: Is there an opportunity to introduce more of a normative reference
   from 4627bis to ECMA404?

   TB: Why would this be a benefit to readers? Why should they have to go
   somewhere else?

   <twbray> Why would that be of benefit to users? Everyone agrees on the
   syntax, so why send them off somewhere else to read something else?

   <annevk> twbray, euhm, we just explained that we don't agree on syntax

   PLH: Having the media type registration as part of a W3C spec. is now
   our preferred pattern, and IANA is happy with it

   <annevk> +1 to that

   <twbray> The IETF draft notes specifically that the ECMA draft allows
   top-level primitive types

   <annevk> twbray, acknowledging something in an introduction doesn't
   indicate agreement in my book

   <annevk> twbray, reads more like "yeah, these guys defined x, but it's
   really y, trust us"

   AR: DC, both the ECMA process and the IETF process, were started by
   you, which one would you choose if you could?

   DC: I'd prefer ECMA, I understood the process

   AR: What about the documents?

   DC: I gave you my preference

   DC: I didn't have the number of years of experience apparently
   necessary to understand the IETF process

   DKA: That's true in my experience across many organisations

   <JeniT> can we identify and list the interoperability problems between
   the two specs?

   <annevk> JeniT, is there a point?

   <JeniT> annevk, to aim to move the specs closer

   <annevk> JeniT, hah

   DKA: Is there anything we can do to help reconcile this apparent

   DKA: From an IETF/TC39/W3C love-in perspective

   DC: I'd like to see 4627bis cite ECMA404 as a normative reference

   TB: So people have to read one to understand the other

   DC: Yes, 404 is the definitive definition

   TBL: It settles the question of who has design authority
   ... Who do you go to if you have questions, or want changes

   TB: The good news is that the only difference between any of the
   existing specifications of JSON is the top-level production

   DC: 404 only talks about one aspect of JSON, and that's the grammar
   ... It should be the one that all other documents refer to

   DKA: I think the TAG consensus is in line with that
   ... Maybe we leave that there, and we have the opportunity to make our
   voices known to that effect as part of the IETF Last Call process. How
   quickly do we have to move to do that?

   <slightlyoff> one resolution to the implicit tension would be a
   commitment for no future normative incompatibilities

   <annevk> twbray, you also don't override the ABNF default of being
   7-bit it seems

   <annevk> twbray, seems like a pretty big hole, am I missing something?

   <twbray> hm, sounds like a bug (fortunately not one that has produced
   any interop problems that I'm aware of)

   MM: We're not quite to IETF LC yet, we're waiting on our Area Director
   to make that move, but he's travelling right now

   MM: You are indeed welcome to join json@ietf.org to give input

   DKA: Would next week be time enough? How fast are things moving?

   MM: Next IETF f2f is 3--8 November, so ADs are trying to get documents
   moved forward, so the earlier the better

   <slightlyoff> I'm deeply uncomfortable with the current situation.

   <JeniT> slightlyoff, +1

   <slightlyoff> it seems like a recipe for incompat

   <slightlyoff> if not now, in the future

   <twbray> Well, except for, in practice jSON interoperates beautifully
   in practice

   <twbray> annevk - help me out, where's the 7-bit issue?

   <annevk> twbray, JSON consists of a sequence of code points

   <annevk> twbray, you define it as a sequence of 7-bit thingies...

   <twbray> Sorry, where is that 7-bit constraint?

   <annevk> twbray, [12]http://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc5234

   <annevk> twbray, your dependencies

   <annevk> twbray, nobody will trip over this in practice (I hope!), but
   it's not correct

   DKA: Alex, final words?

   AR: This may be unintended consequences, AvK has spotted some
   incompatibilities, but without a normative sitation from one doc to the
   other, or at least a binding commitment to ensure consistency wrt their
   normative bits, the situation is not acceptable.

   AR: I'd like to have TC39 and the IETF WG agree to negotiate this,
   because without agreement we are headed in the long haul for an
   untenable situation

   AvK: I don't see the point in two specs -- let Ecma do the mime type
   registration and leave it at that

   PLH: This is to some extent an issue between IETF and ECMA, but W3C has
   to live with the result, and one document would be better than two

   DKA: Thanks to all, I'm hopeful going forward

    Minutes formatted by David Booth's [13]scribe.perl version 1.135
    ([14]CVS log)
    $Date: 2013-10-21 13:09:06 $


   1. http://www.w3.org/
   2. http://www.w3.org/2001/tag/2013/10/17-minutes.html#agenda
   3. http://www.w3.org/2001/tag/2013/10/17-minutes.html#item01
   4. http://www.ecma-international.org/memento/TC39.htm
   5. https://datatracker.ietf.org/wg/json/
   6. http://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc4627
   7. https://www.tbray.org/tmp/draft-ietf-json-rfc4627bis-06.html#rfc.section.1.2
   8. https://www.tbray.org/tmp/draft-ietf-json-rfc4627bis-06.html#rfc.section.1.3
   9. https://www.tbray.org/tmp/draft-ietf-json-rfc4627bis-06.html#rfc.appendix.A
  10. http://www.ecma-international.org/publications/files/ECMA-ST/ECMA-404.pdf
  11. http://tools.ietf.org/html/draft-ietf-json-rfc4627bis-06
  12. http://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc5234
  13. http://dev.w3.org/cvsweb/~checkout~/2002/scribe/scribedoc.htm
  14. http://dev.w3.org/cvsweb/2002/scribe/

       Henry S. Thompson, School of Informatics, University of Edinburgh
      10 Crichton Street, Edinburgh EH8 9AB, SCOTLAND -- (44) 131 650-4440
                Fax: (44) 131 650-4587, e-mail: ht@inf.ed.ac.uk
                       URL: http://www.ltg.ed.ac.uk/~ht/
 [mail from me _always_ has a .sig like this -- mail without it is forged spam]

Received on Tuesday, 5 November 2013 16:34:25 UTC