Re: either strengthen or retract httpRange-14(a)

On Fri, 2012-03-02 at 09:29 -0500, Jonathan A Rees wrote:
[ . . . ]
>(Some say that ambiguity is inherent in communication, so
> disambiguation is futile, but this is rhetorical trickery.  This is
> like saying democracy should not be attempted because perfect
> democracy is impossible.  In fact particular ambiguities such as this
> one can be, and are often, addressed.)

If you're referring to me, you have grossly misunderstood my view.

Ambiguity *is* inherent, and that *does* imply that it is
architecturally pointless to mandate a distinction along one particular
axis of ambiguity, such as attempting to mandate a distinction between
"information resources" and "non-information resources".  However, the
architecture must *enable* a URI owner to convey a URI definition that
is as fine-grained and precise as the URI owner *chooses* to make it. 

Thus it is important that the architecture *enable* a URI owner to
distinguish between an "information resource" and a "non-information
resource" -- or between one information resource and another, or between
two things along *any* desired axis of distinction -- but the
architecture should not attempt to mandate that distinction, because it
doesn't *need* to.  There is an important difference.  

David Booth, Ph.D.

Opinions expressed herein are those of the author and do not necessarily
reflect those of his employer.

Received on Saturday, 24 March 2012 02:07:45 UTC