Re: Updated: issue qnameAsId-18

On Wednesday, June 5, 2002, 9:56:06 PM, Norman wrote:

NW> / "Jonathan Borden" <> was heard to say:
NW> | Ideally the regular expression which is used to define a QName containing
NW> | string would have been defined by XML Schema as a builtin type, but this
NW> | issue wasn't apparently apparent at the time :-/

NW> I am tempted to suggested adding an XPath data type. I'm not at all
NW> comfortable with the monolithic nature of data types in XML Schema, so
NW> I'm not sure I want to suggest it there. But there's probably no where
NW> else.

Well, you could add it as your own data type in RelaxNG and make it
available for others to use...

... he said, running for cover and ducking


Received on Thursday, 6 June 2002 13:10:41 UTC