www-svg@w3.org from July 2014 by subject

[Bug 26299] Add a "9-slice element" in the next version of the SVG specifications

[Bug 26299] New: Add a "9-slice element" in the next version of the SVG specifications

[svg2] CSS pseudo-element requirements

[svg2] tabindex and defaults

Accessing a sheet in a style element in an svg element

Agenda, 31 July 2014 SVG WG telcon

cloning the SVG2 repository... without a password.

Default attributeType for new presentation attributes and SVG DOM

feature proposal: convex hull operator

I'd like to add you to my professional network on LinkedIn

Minutes, 24 July 2014 SVG WG telcon

Minutes, 31 July 2014 SVG WG telcon

Revive xqib

Status of connectors for SVG2

SVG2 Accessibility API Mappings spec.

TestSuite: funcIRI in use/@xlink:href

viewport units in SVG

Last message date: Thursday, 31 July 2014 21:33:19 UTC