Accessing a sheet in a style element in an svg element

Dear SVG working group!

I just tried to access a sheet in a style added to an svg element:

    var theSvg = document.createElementNS("",
    var theStyle = document.createElementNS("",
    console.log("theStyle.sheet=", theStyle.sheet); // undefined, try
adding svg to DOM
    console.log("theStyle.sheet=", theStyle.sheet); // still undefined

As you can see this failed. I have little knowledge of this subject, but
was directed here from my question here:

I am not sure if a specification is lacking here or if this is a bug in the
browsers implementation. However this must of course be a part of the
specification for using CSS with SVG.

Kind regards,

Received on Wednesday, 23 July 2014 22:10:48 UTC