Re: Shorthands resetting properties they cannot set

> On Dec 15, 2017, at 5:11 PM, Daniel Glazman <> wrote:
>> It doesn't make his job any easier.  But on the priority of
>> constituencies, keeping things logical for stylesheet authors should
>> probably rank above keeping things simple and straightforward for
>> graphical editor developers. (Sorry, Daniel.)
> Sorry Amelia, but that's precisely the point: web authors tell me it's
> not logical.

This. Fully agree with Daniel here. I don’t find anything logical about a shorthand property that resets longhands that it can not set itself.  And I say this with about 15years of experience creating / editing / managing stylesheets and good knowledge of specs.

(I was “bitten” by this an hour ago… I was editing an element where `background-clip` was necessary. Easy right? After editing, reload my page to check this and other things, only to see that my `background-clip` was not applied. Right-click on the element… yeah, right, it had of course the `background` shorthand applied due to an other selector (I knew that). I burst out laughing, this discussion in mind, my cat was angry as I disturbed his nap).

Philippe Wittenbergh

Received on Friday, 15 December 2017 08:36:16 UTC