Re: [css-fonts] font-language-override

Let me amplify and restate these points:

On 2016-05-31 06:57, Andrew Cunningham wrote:
> It would be fairly quick and easy for google to add support for 
> font-language-override

Supporting font-language override would not only increase spec 
compliance, it would be the path of least effort
> It would take years for google to map orthographic usage of sufficient 
> number oflanguages to add additional locl support to noto for instance 
> to make lang attribute usable.

Depending on complex mappings from @lang to OpenType lang is a lot of 
work, currently being done for you by font designers. This is a 
duplication of effort and a maintenance burden; just support 
font-language-override. It is there for a reason.

Chris Lilley
Technical Director, W3C Interaction Domain

Received on Tuesday, 31 May 2016 15:30:17 UTC