Re: [round-display] [motion-path] Orientation of elements due to merging polar positioning and motion path

On 05/17/2016 03:01 PM, Shane Stephens wrote:
> motion-rotation: auto;
> translate: 100px;
> rotate: 20deg;
> and
> motion-rotation: auto 20deg;
> translate: 100px;
> will produce different results. The former will move the object 100px in front of the path (in the current direction of the
> path) then rotate the object by 20deg, whereas the latter will rotate it by 20deg (off the current direction of the path) then
> move it 100px in its new heading.

Wait, really? That seems very confusing to me. I would have
thought that the motion-* and rotate-* were all independent
and 'translate' operated on top of that result.

   apply motion
   apply rotate
   apply translate
   apply transform

You're saying that 'rotate' affects the coordinate system of 'translate'?


Received on Wednesday, 18 May 2016 01:47:40 UTC