Re: [css-round-display] Positioning elements with polar positioning and absolute positioning

> On Dec 22, 2015, at 16:18, Brad Kemper <> wrote:
>> The rest seems to matter less to me.
>> As long as you leave top/bottom/left/right auto, polar positioning does something sensible. As long as polar distance is auto, traditional positioning does something sensible. I am far from convinced that trying to use both at the same time gives anything useful. 
> The main thing it does is in combination is to allow offsets to the polar position, which is what polar-origin is trying to solve as a separate new property. Which feels redundant to me.

'Polar-origin' and 'center' sort of do the same thing. But 'center' is also meant to be used with T/R/B/L. I'm not sure if that's useful, complicating things, or both.

left: 50px; right: 50px; width: 100px; center-x: 0;

We already have (complex) rules to resolve the over-constraining that happens with the first 3 properties, but the 4th makes it worse.

The same problem doesn't happen with polar-origin if we isolate the polar mode from the traditional mode.

>> The simplest answer could be:
>> * If position is not relative/absolute/fixed/sticky, polar-* properties are ignored.
>> * otherwise, if polar-distance is auto, left/right/top/bottom are applied as usual, and other polar-* properties are ignored.
>> * otherwise, (polar-distance is not auto), left/right/top/bottom are ignored, and polar-* properties are applied.
> That's another option, but it seems odd to me. You could have 'left' and 'top' moving it horizontally or vertically (as they normally do) when also moving it angularly, but instead you would ignore them and use 'polar-origin' to do the exact same thing?

left/top don't just move things, they also size them, and I'd like to avoid creating more ways to create over constrained situations.

If left is 0px and center is 50px, is an auto width resolved to 100px?

What if you put the center to the left of the left, what is that supposed to mean?

Maybe we could skip polar-origin and center, and do something like this:

width: auto;
height: auto;
left: calc(50% - 10px);
right: (50% - 10px);
top: calc(50% - 10px);
bottom: (50% - 10px);
polar-angle: 30deg;
polar-distance: 100% contain;

but this has terrible ergonomics compared to:

width: 20px;
height: 20px;
polar-origin: center;
polar-angle: 30deg;
polar-distance: 100% contain;

Received on Tuesday, 22 December 2015 09:16:36 UTC