Re: [css-text-decor-3] Replace text-underline-position by something more generic

On 01/21/2013 01:09 PM, Sebastian Zartner wrote:
> I hope it's not already too late for this, but as I already pointed out earlier several times[1][2][3] I'd like to see
> text-underline-position not to be part of the spec. Instead there should be a more general way to define the position of text
> decorations.
> text-underline-position - as its name implies - is restricted to underlines. It disregards overlines and blocks future
> enhancements to the spec regarding arbitrary text decorations.
> Sebastian
> [1]
> [2]
> [3]

Hi Sebastian,
The CSSWG reviewed your issue [1], and we don't believe that text-underline-position
blocks enhancements to arbitrary text decorations. If arbitrary text decorations
are added, they will simply ignore text-underline-position.

Note that it does affect overlines, at least in cases where the underline is drawn
in the overline position.

This particular switch is important for internationalization, so we believe it is
necessary to keep in the spec, and since it does not block future enhancements,
we don't see a reason to remove it.

Please let me know if this is acceptable.



Received on Wednesday, 6 March 2013 06:19:22 UTC