Re: [css3-fonts] font-size-adjust auto issue

On 8/26/13 7:59 PM, "Jonathan Kew" <> wrote:

>Alternatively, I still think my earlier suggestion of allowing
>font-size-adjust:<generic-family> would be an improvement over <auto>,
>in that it would be clearer to authors that they're explicitly asking
>the browser to adjust the sizing of whatever font(s) are used to better
>match one of its defaults.

I like this; font-size-adjust is imo usability-challenged, whatever one
thinks of the auto value. Calculating the right ratio generally involves
authors going through various hoops and experiments to guess the right
number. Which, as pointed out, may end up not working so well on other

Specifying the font family whose x-height you want to use seems both far
more usable and closer to the design intent. Well, except for the property
name which no longer seems quite right. (Bikeshed!)

Received on Tuesday, 27 August 2013 19:26:07 UTC