Re: [css3-speech] Is "speak-header" deprecated, obsolete, or just overlooked in the draft?

On Aug 22, 2013, at 1:44 PM, Daniel Weck <> wrote:

> Hi James, I remember discussing this with a screen reader user (blind person), who thought that the special rendering treatment of information structures such as tables and lists should be the responsibility of the user agent (i.e. web browser, reading system, etc.) - not of the content author - because users should be able to choose from various verbosities when exploring complex data sets (based on personal preference, or experience/fluency depending on the informational context).

Thanks. FWIW, I agree with this assessment.

> Content authors would still be expected to supply speech "styles" for tables and such like, albeit at a lower granularity level (e.g. cell *contents* only). Another remark was that the property was underspecified anyway, not representative of the state of the art with regards to table navigation using screen readers.
> Unfortunately I cannot find a public record of my above explanation, but here is a related link for future reference:
> Regards, Daniel
> On Thursday, August 22, 2013, James Craig wrote:
> CSS 2 had "speak-header" and "speak-header-cell" properties which are not mentioned in CSS 3. Strangely, it was defined in the CSS2 Tables spec instead of the Speech or Aural specs.
> Are these deprecated, obsolete, or just overlooked in CSS3?
> Thanks.

Received on Thursday, 22 August 2013 21:05:24 UTC