Re: [css3-multicol] Excessively wide column-gaps; § 4.3 border-style of column-rule

Gérard Talbot wrote:

 > 1- What should happen when column-gaps are excessively wide?
 > Let's say:
 > div
 > {
 > column-count: 3;
 > column-gap: 200px;
 > width: 300px;
 > }
 > (11)  if (column-width = auto) and (column-count != auto) then
 > (12)    N := column-count;
 > (13)    W := max(0, (available-width - ((N - 1) * column-gap)) / N);

In the current ED (which, I believe, reflects consensus) the relevant
lines in the pseudo-algorithm are:

  (03)  if column-width = auto then
  (04)      N := column-count


  (11)  W := max(0, ((U + column-gap)/N - column-gap)

which gives us:

   N = 3
   W = max (0, ((300px + 200px)/3 - 200px)) = 0

 > So, used column-count should be 3 and used column-width should be 0
 > according to the pseudo-algorithm. 


 > But I still can not figure out how the
 > multi-column element will look like if "Column gaps take up space. That
 > is, column gaps will push apart content in adjacent columns (within the
 > same multicol element)."


The whole multicol element will be covered by column gaps, right? Then
there will be three columns of zero width: one on the left, one in the
middle, one on the right. However, content is clipped only "in the
middle of the column gap", so some of the content in the first two
columns will be visible.

Or, one can argue that there's no point in splitting content into
several columns when the columns have zero width. (This is what Presto
and Prince seems to do)

Or, one can say that the column-gap should be honored, even if it
means that some of the content is pushed outside the multicol element
(IE seems to do this.)

What would authors like to see happen?

 > 2-
 > "
 > The <border-style> values are defined in [CSS21] and the values are
 > interpreted as in the the collapsing border model.
 > "
 > § 4.3. ‘column-rule-style’
 > "in the the collapsing"
 > should be instead
 > "in the collapsing"

Thanks, fixed!


              Håkon Wium Lie                          CTO °þe®ª        

Received on Monday, 5 August 2013 21:15:17 UTC