Re: Discussing possibilities of a 'CSS-ignore' rule.

On 9/23/12, Tab Atkins Jr. <> wrote:
> On Sun, Sep 23, 2012 at 3:18 AM, Ketan Singh <>
> wrote:
>> Well, my apologies for mentioning the use-case on the first place. I
>> should
>> have come to the point at once.
> Ignore Garrett.
A personal attack from jQuery developer (as you are)? Pride shuns
criticism in the dialectic of creating "problems" with purported
solutions, side effects be darned. It's what's new and popular that
matters; nevermind the ideas, eschew the mean old curmudgeon. The
attitude speaks for itself.

jQuerists tell others what to think or who to follow. I explain how I
think through these things. I criticize. So long as my voice can be
heard (and unfortunately censorship has been a problem on w3c lists),
the reader can pick what he wants to hear.

You did the correct thing.  *Always* lead with a
> use-case.
That's not a use case! The OP painted himself into a corner using bad
methodologies (Microsoft Word templates, popups, etc). The simplest
way to avoid that problem is to not create it in the first place. Or
"don't do that then."

It's like jquery trying to determine if something is a function (and
without first discerning precisely what "is a function" means, to
boot), or "isObjectLiteral" or any other number of failed overloading
strategies that they blame on us for pointing out.

Or walks for cancer, alzheimers, etc. Did shortages of cancer walks
cause cancer?
Twitter: @xkit

Received on Sunday, 23 September 2012 20:08:35 UTC