Re: Discussing possibilities of a 'CSS-ignore' rule.

On Sun, Sep 23, 2012 at 3:18 AM, Ketan Singh <> wrote:
> Well, my apologies for mentioning the use-case on the first place. I should
> have come to the point at once.

Ignore Garrett.  You did the correct thing.  *Always* lead with a
use-case.  If you just come with a solution pre-made, we have no way
to evaluate how good it is, or if alternate solutions to your problem
may exist.  Now that we know your use-case, we can easily generalize
it to multiple similar problems.

However, as I and Francois (and maybe others? I skimmed part of the
thread) have said, your use-case *can not be solved* with a property
or similar things.  You can block *inheritance* into your component,
but you can't block selectors from selecting into your component.  For
that, you need a stronger isolation mechanism, like what is offered
today by <iframe>, or what will be offered in the near future by Web


Received on Sunday, 23 September 2012 15:52:52 UTC