Re: [css3-mediaqueries] (min-resolution: 0dpi) is false in several browsers.

Sorry I missed the min- prefix. I would agree that (min-resolution:
0dpi) should evaluate to true.


On Sun, Oct 21, 2012 at 1:58 PM, Simon Sapin <> wrote:
> Le 21/10/2012 13:37, Kenneth Rohde Christiansen a écrit :
>> According to my interpretation of the spec, (resolution) will evaluate
>> to true if (resolution:x) will evaluate to true for a value x other
>> than zero or zero followed by a valid unit identifier (i.e., other
>> than 0, 0dpi, 0dpcm, or 0dppx.).
> This is not relevant to the issue in my original message. You’re quoting the
> third item of the list at the beginning of section 4:
> This item defines how to evaluate a query with just a feature name, without
> a value, like (resolution). If the resolution of my computer screen is 96
> device pixels per CSS inch, (resolution: 96dpi) will evaluate to true. Since
> 96 is not zero, (resolution) is true as well.
> No issue here.
>> I would guess that means that 0, odpi, etc should evaluate to false.
> This third item says nothing about how to evaluate (min-resolution: 0dpi).
> In the *second* item of the same list, the min- prefix is defined as
> expressing "greater or equal to". 96dpi is greater than 0dpi, therefore
> (min-resolution: 0dpi) should be true.
> But implementations seem to disagree. I think this is a bug, but I would
> like to confirm: is there something else I missing in the spec that could
> explain this behavior? Is there a use case where this behavior is desired?
> Chers,
> --
> Simon Sapin

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