Re: [css3-mediaqueries] (min-resolution: 0dpi) is false in several browsers.

Le 21/10/2012 13:42, Kenneth Rohde Christiansen a écrit :
> +    // According to spec, (resolution) will evaluate to true if (resolution:x)
> +    // will evaluate to true for a value x other than zero or zero followed by
> +    // a valid unit identifier (i.e., other than 0, 0dpi, 0dpcm, or 0dppx.).
> +    //
> +    // This is actually always the case with the dppx, which we ignore as it is
> +    // a special-case in the sense it can be out of sync with dpi and dpcm. For
> +    // instance, both a device with 96dpi and 160dpi can have a dppx of 1.

This is not the case. 1dppx is defined as exactly 96dpi, as noted in 

160dpi is about 1.666dppx

Simon Sapin

Received on Sunday, 21 October 2012 12:03:30 UTC