- From: Schalk Neethling <sneethling@mozilla.com>
- Date: Mon, 12 Mar 2012 07:17:46 -0700 (PDT)
- To: Stefan Wallin <Stefan.W@festiz.com>
- Cc: www-style@w3.org
Hey there Stefan, Maybe have a look at http://html5.org/tools/web-apps-tracker?from=6887&to=6888 Might not be exactly what you are looking for but useful nonetheless Kind Regards, Schalk Neethling ----- Original Message ----- From: "Stefan Wallin" <Stefan.W@festiz.com> To: www-style@w3.org Sent: Sunday, March 11, 2012 1:10:50 AM Subject: [selectors4] :empty psuedo class and input fields Hi all! This is my first attempt to contribute to the world of standards, so bare with me. If I'm not doing this the proper way, please tell me. My issue. I think the :empty pseudo class selector is not super intuitive when it comes to form elements such as input fields. Both Selectors 3 and Selectors 4 states the following: The :empty pseudo-class represents an element that has no children at all. In terms of the document tree, only element nodes and content nodes (such as DOM [DOM-LEVEL-3-CORE] text nodes, CDATA nodes, and entity references) whose data has a non-zero length must be considered as affecting emptiness; comments, processing instructions, and other nodes must not affect whether an element is considered empty or not. This strikes a chord with me, I'd really like to see the possibility to style input fields that do not fit to be classed as required but are still empty to be styled differently. Today this has to be done with DOM scripting, neither input[value=""] or input:empty works as I think it should work. input:empty always marks as true, regardless if the value attribute is empty or not. input[value=""] only detects initial status and not changes to the element later on in the page lifetime. Should one not be able to check the content of the DOM attr value dynamically through CSS? Humbly Stefan Wallin ================================ +46 (0) 709-529 036 || stefan.w@festiz.com http://www.stefan-wallin.se http://twitter.com/Stefan_Wallin
Received on Monday, 12 March 2012 14:18:22 UTC