Re: [css3-writing-modes] vertical orientation and UTR50

Just drop in some personal feeling here.

(12/06/30 16:53), Koji Ishii wrote:
> It may come to when we expect UTR50 goes final, and when we expect
> authors start creating files. For UTR50, I have no idea, but the next
> UTC conference is 30th Jul, and I hope you agree that it won't go
> final by then. The next UTC is 5th Nov. Maybe or maybe not. The next
> is 28th Jan, 2013. Maybe, who knows. Remember, when we started
> working on UTR50, everyone thought it's 3 months of work. One year
> has passed and we're still in the middle of the road.
> [snip]
> They are not asking to have a snapshot, they're asking for the
> interoperability, and we're the world's best organization that makes
> the web technologies interoperable.

These make sense to me. My guess is that the W3C vs. Unicode Consortium
situation here is just similar to WHATWG vs. W3C. Having a bit of
personal experience with Unicode Consortium, my sense is that Koji is
right here, and the snapshot version might actually be closer to UTR#50
final than the current draft is.

I think it is certainly better to have a snapshot version placed
somewhere in and referenced by css3-writing-modes than Koji
hosting his own in his domain (and perhaps forking css3-writing-modes too).


Received on Sunday, 1 July 2012 01:54:30 UTC