Re: [css3-writing-modes] vertical orientation and UTR50

On Sat, Jun 30, 2012 at 7:53 PM, Kang-Hao (Kenny) Lu <> wrote:

> Just drop in some personal feeling here.
> (12/06/30 16:53), Koji Ishii wrote:
> > It may come to when we expect UTR50 goes final, and when we expect
> > authors start creating files. For UTR50, I have no idea, but the next
> > UTC conference is 30th Jul, and I hope you agree that it won't go
> > final by then. The next UTC is 5th Nov. Maybe or maybe not. The next
> > is 28th Jan, 2013. Maybe, who knows. Remember, when we started
> > working on UTR50, everyone thought it's 3 months of work. One year
> > has passed and we're still in the middle of the road.
> >
> > [snip]
> >
> > They are not asking to have a snapshot, they're asking for the
> > interoperability, and we're the world's best organization that makes
> > the web technologies interoperable.
> These make sense to me. My guess is that the W3C vs. Unicode Consortium
> situation here is just similar to WHATWG vs. W3C. Having a bit of
> personal experience with Unicode Consortium, my sense is that Koji is
> right here, and the snapshot version might actually be closer to UTR#50
> final than the current draft is.

Since your opinion is based on sheer speculation that the final UTR#50 will
be close to or identical to a snapshot, then i'm afraid I do not give much
weight to that opinion.

It is unacceptable for the W3C to create a snapshot copy of another
external spec in this fashion for the mere reason of being dissatisfied
with the progress or schedule for finalizing that external spec. That's
just not how things are done in the W3C, nor should it ever be.

The correct approach is to reference UTR 50 and work with the UTC to
finalize UTR 50 in a timely fashion. WM still has to get to CR exit
criteria, so it is premature to even suggest such an approach as creating a
UTR50 snapshot.

> I think it is certainly better to have a snapshot version placed
> somewhere in and referenced by css3-writing-modes than Koji
> hosting his own in his domain (and perhaps forking css3-writing-modes too).
> Cheers,
> Kenny

Received on Sunday, 1 July 2012 04:04:17 UTC