- From: Etan Wexler <ewexler@stickdog.com>
- Date: Sun, 10 Oct 2010 17:59:32 -0400
- To: www-style@w3.org
> I have updated the bibliographic database used by CSS WG so that the third edition (all parts, not just one specific part) of CIE 15:2004 is the one referenced. I thank you, Chris. > In the absence of a better URI I left it as is, but did update the ISBN to the correct one. The URL "http://cms.cie.co.at/Publications/index.php?i_ca_id=304" identifies a resource that, around 2010-10-07, has a representation that I find more pleasant than I find the representation of the resource that the URL "http://www.cie.co.at/publ/abst/15-2004.html" identifies. I presume that the variation over time between the sets of representations of the former resource will be greater than the variation over time between the sets of representations of the latter resource. In less precise words, the former URL is unstable. I suspect that a change to the server configuration will leave the former resource with an empty set of representations (HTTP status code “404”) sooner rather than later. Neither URL identifies the publication in question. It would be inappropriate to write that the publication in question is “available at” the former URL. It would be inappropriate to write that the publication in question is “available at” the latter URL. I don’t know of a good option here. (The W3C as a whole and the community around it should investigate the problem of citations to works that are inaddressable, inaccessible, or unstable. Chris, please mention the problem to other people in the W3C Team.) > %R CIE Publication 15:2004 The correct identifier is simply “CIE 15:2004”. Use the correct identifier. Include editors’ names in the citation or explain why the working group has chosen to exclude them. > Etan, please confirm that this addresses your comment. Chris, your message addresses my comment.
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