Re: if conditions again

Andrew Fedoniouk:
> From: "Christoph Päper" <>
>> Employing Media Queries you can query information about the media being rendered onto, not about the renderer itself. Hence the name.
> UA that renders print preview of document *on screen* will enable @media print {} sections and disable @media screen {}.
> So @media is about capabilities of UA to render the document on given view.

No, it’s still just about the media. It’s virtual or simulated in this case, but that doesn’t matter at all.

> For example on e-book with electronic ink displays (…):
> @media handheld and not supports(transition)

No, you want to query for “update frequency” or some such. You don’t need to test for UA capabilities.

Received on Wednesday, 21 July 2010 09:16:16 UTC