Re: [css3-background] border-radius color transitions using gradients recommended but undefined

Brad Kemper <> wrote:

> Since border-styles are also part of the same spec, can we also
> tighten that up too? There is no inter-op currently on dot shape or
> spacing, so standardizing that would be unlikely to break anything
> substantially. For "dotted", it does now say "round" dots, and I
> think we can be more precise.

We are aware that Gecko's handling of dotted border corners is, um,
terrible; improvements are in development at -- I can generate a
new set of builds with those patches if anyone is interested in testing
them.  (They do not, however, address the interaction between dots and

Incidentally, those patches use square dots for borders that are less
than three device pixels wide, which I think should be officially

> ‘dotted’ 
> A series of round dots, evenly spaced around the entire border
> (including corners and border radii). The space between dots should
> be approximately equal to the width of one dot, but this spacing
> should be adjusted in order to achieve uniform spacing, with no less
> than .75 dot-width of space between dots. Spacing of dots may be
> different along vertical border sides than along horizontal border
> sides, in order to achieve symmetry at the corners.

I am not sure "no less than .75 dot-width of space between dots" and
"uniform spacing" are simultaneously achievable under all conditions.

You should also be aware that it is *mathematically impossible* to draw
a dotted line which is uniformly spaced, one device pixel wide, an even
number of device pixels long, and has dots at both ends.  This is,
unfortunately, a common thing for Web authors to request.  I tried a
bunch of alternatives and came to the conclusion that the least
aesthetically offensive fallback is to omit dots at two of the four
corners of the box (assuming all four sides are drawn).


Received on Wednesday, 27 January 2010 17:50:13 UTC