Re: [css3-fonts] Please add font-variant-caps: all-small-caps and all-petite-caps

fantasai wrote:
> Wouldn't
>   text-transform: lower-case;
>   font-variant: small-caps
> or
>   text-transform: lower-case;
>   font-variant: petite-caps
> work?

It would have a different effect. First, uppercase Unicode characters
would be transformed to lowercase Unicode characters, and then the
OpenType "smcp" feature would be applied to lowercase font glyphs. This
is not always equal to the effect of applying the OpenType "c2sc"
feature to uppercase font glyphs.

For example, the small-cap variants of certain uppercase Greek letters
may be different than the small-cap variants of their lowercase
counterparts. The transformation would also not work for certain Unicode
characters that do not have a lowercase variant (e.g. U+1E9E: ẞ).
Finally, some fonts include additional transformations in the "c2sc"
OpenType feature, for example for punctuation characters. For instance,
if the text is set in all small caps, the font could also substitute
parantheses or brackets by smaller variants -- but the normally-sized
brackets or parantheses would be used if small caps are only applied to
lowercase letters.


Adam Twardoch
| Language Typography Unicode Fonts OpenType
| | |

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Received on Friday, 26 February 2010 03:25:25 UTC