Re: [selectors] [css3-content] The ::inside pseudo-element

Tab Atkins Jr. wrote:
> Does some FF3.1 dev version actually work roughly how we want with a
> text-align:right?  When I try it in FF3.0.5 I get the issue that
> Giovanni was originally alluding to, where the "$" just sits next to
> the text of each cell, and is *not* aligned with the others.  (Which
> is, honestly, a little weird, since the cells *are* all of uniform
> width, so one would naively expect the "$" to float all the way to the
> left of the cell, but they don't.)

Firefox 3.0.x implements CSS2's version of generated content.  In 
particular, it does not allow floating the generated content.  You want 
to test in either a beta of Firefox 3.1 (which implements the CSS 2.1 
version) or in Opera or in any recent Webkit-based browser (Safari, Chrome).


Received on Thursday, 22 January 2009 15:17:23 UTC