Re: Gradient syntax proposal

Tab Atkins Jr. wrote:
> On Mon, Aug 17, 2009 at 3:54 PM, fantasai<> wrote:
>> Brad Kemper wrote:
>>> On Aug 17, 2009, at 11:00 AM, fantasai <>
>>> wrote:
>>>> I would prefer restricting stops to percentages. The swapping effect
>>>> is confusing, and I don't see any reason you'd /need/ to use lengths
>>>> when you can specify the length of the overall gradient already.
>>> I can think of plenty of situations where  I'd want the whole gradient to
>>> be a fixed distance, regardless of box size, and regardless of angle. I'd
>>> like to be able to set that in a simple grammar, using color-stops only.
>>> It's not nearly as simple if the angle is not a multiple of 90, and I have
>>> to use bg-position.
>> This is not simple?
>>  linear-gradient(top left 135deg 200px / red, white, blue)
>>  /* linear gradient from top left corner angled at 135deg going for 200px
>>     transitioning from red to white to blue */
> That requires an *additional* argument to the angle construction.
> It's equally easy to do:
> linear-gradient(135deg / red, white, blue 200px)

Which requires an additional argument to the last color construction. :)

Is the 200px offset from the beginning of the gradient or from the
last color stop? I'm not totally clear on this. (I find it easier
to think of the entire gradient being 200px long and then filling
in the color stops than positioning the last color stop and then
filling in the color stops backwards from there.)

> (You probably meant an angle other than 135deg, btw.  That points up
> into the top-left, and would currently result in a pure-blue gradient
> as the starting and ending points are identical.)

Heh, okay. I wasn't sure which direction 0deg was pointing.
For several other properties (e.g. image-orientation) it's up.


Received on Monday, 17 August 2009 22:35:48 UTC