Re: Projection media type in fullscreen browser mode

Aryeh Gregor wrote:
> Most or all browsers have a "fullscreen" mode, where the user can hit
> F11 to make the browser and OS UI vanish and give the web page content
> the whole screen.  I tried this simple test on Chrome, Opera, Firefox,
> and IE:
> <!doctype html>
> <title>Test</title>
> <style media=screen>body { color: red }</style>
> <style media=projection>body { text-decoration: underline }</style>
> Hello
> Chrome, Firefox, and IE all displayed the text "Hello" in red, both in
> fullscreen mode and normal mode.  Opera displayed it red in normal
> mode, but black and underlined in fullscreen mode.  In other words,
> Opera (but only Opera) interprets full-screen mode as being projection
> instead of screen.
> The normative definition of "projection" in CSS 2.1 is:
> "Intended for projected presentations, for example projectors. Please
> consult the section on paged media for information about formatting
> issues that are specific to paged media."

Opera's fullscreen mode is different from the others in that it is
a paged medium and is intended for use with a hookup to projectors.
Opera doesn't automatically paginate to the screen size, but if you
force a page break this paginates the document and can be used to
create slide shows. (See the OperaShow documentation.)

It's a very useful mode; it would be nice if other browsers also
supported it. It would make things like S5 a lot less of a JS/CSS


Received on Monday, 17 August 2009 23:01:03 UTC