Re: Shadows vs. layout

Brad Kemper wrote:
> On Aug 3, 2009, at 1:45 PM, fantasai <> wrote:
>> Brad Kemper wrote:
>>> Sent from my iPhone
>>> On Aug 3, 2009, at 1:08 PM, fantasai <> 
>>> wrote:
>>>> I'm not sure about border-image outside the border area, whether 
>>>> that should
>>>> trigger scrolling or not. I'm leaning towards leaving the standard 
>>>> behavior.
>>>> But shadows definitely should not trigger scrolling.
>>> I don't have the link handy, but in that write-up I did a while back 
>>> explaining how the border-images should not take up space, I think 
>>> many of the use cases and examples I gave would not work well at all 
>>> if they pushed container dimensions to the right and bottom. A 
>>> central idea was that page geometry would be the same with or without 
>>> the border-image.
>> Well, yes, the outset shouldn't affect layout. But whether it should
>> trigger overflow is another issue.
>  Overflow does affect layout, doesn't it? If my image bordered element 
> is inside another element that is floated, then the width of the floated 
> element changes based on whether or not the overflow from the 
> border-image is widening it or not. That then affects what other 
> elements can sidle up alongside it.

Ok, by trigger overflow I mean trigger scrolling. Content that overflows
a box doesn't affect the layout of elements outside the box, except
insofar as it triggers scrolling behavior.

> Also, suppose my BODY element has 16px of padding and no margin or border.
> Now I put a 32px wide border-image around it with a 32px offset. In that
> case, I would expect the border-image to be clipped on all four sides
> (or at least three). If it was clipped on the left and top but scrollable
> to the right and bottom, that would just be weird. 

Why would you do something like that?


Received on Tuesday, 4 August 2009 19:31:13 UTC