Re: Shadows vs. layout

On Tue, Aug 4, 2009 at 1:23 PM, fantasai<> wrote:
> Brad Kemper wrote:
>> Also, suppose my BODY element has 16px of padding and no margin or border.
>> Now I put a 32px wide border-image around it with a 32px offset. In that
>> case, I would expect the border-image to be clipped on all four sides
>> (or at least three). If it was clipped on the left and top but scrollable
>> to the right and bottom, that would just be weird.
> Why would you do something like that?

One example from some recent projects: a fixed-width site designed to
be usable in 800x600, which maximizes the size of the 'content column'
to fit as much as possible into an 800px wide screen, but also
provides some non-essential decoration around the edges to make it
look less sparse on wider screens.  This decoration should overflow on
an 800px-wide screen, but shouldn't trigger scrolling.

Right now that can be hacked into place by putting a centered
background on <body> and all content within a centered container
element.  That only works if your image is okay to be infinitely
vertically tiled, and still is a little tricky to get pixel-perfect.


Received on Tuesday, 4 August 2009 19:42:51 UTC