Re: box-shadow and features

On May 15, 2008, at 5:57 PM, Alan Gresley wrote:

>> Issue 32 refers to outer shadows (like with the current box-shadow  
>> or text-shadow), and whether or not the part covered by the glyph  
>> or box is drawn or not. With inner shadows, the shadow is not  
>> covered by the glyph or box.
> Issue 32 is about box-shadow which it reads.
> Resolve: Box-shadows are only drawn outside the element's border-box.

Fine. I will revise my statement then: Issue 32 refers to outer  
shadows (like with the current box-shadow draft), and whether or not  
the part covered by the box is drawn or not. With inner shadows, the  
shadow is not covered by the box.

> Inner Box Shadow:
> ISSUE-44
> There have been quite a few comments about adding such a feature,
> or at least an "inner glow" feature (which this would address).

I really don't think that issue 44 is suggesting that an Inner Box  
shadow should be drawn outside of the box. That just wouldn't make  
sense. Therefore, issue 32 is only about "outer" shadows, as they  
currently exist in the spec. I take "drawn outside the element's  
border-box" to mean that it doesn't matter if the inside of the box is  
transparent or only partially opaque, because the (outer) shadows will  
not be drawn there.

> You keep on intermingling box-shadow with text-shadow.

As for text shadows, I quite clearly know which one I am talking  
about, and I often mention them together because the issues that have  
to do with one are very often relevant to the other. I am not that  
easily confused by having them mentioned together, but I will try to  
just talk about one at a time if you think that will help.

Received on Friday, 16 May 2008 03:00:49 UTC