Re: 3rd call: CSS2: howto disable audio?

Hi, David-

David Woolley wrote (on 7/27/2007 3:09 AM):
> ~:'' ありがとうございました。 wrote:
>> Also, as you are aware, plugins are treated as one group so the user has 
> Once you start using plugins you have left the scope of W3C regulation 
> and you have decided to enter an essentially unregulated market.

What?  That's not at all true.  There are plugins for SVG, MathML, 
XForms, SMIL
(Real, for example), and plenty of other W3C specs.  SMIL, in 
particular, is relevant here.

The assumption that major browser vendors have (or should have) a lock
on implementations of W3C specs is against the very idea of vendor
independence.  In fact, a lot of innovation comes from third-party
plugins, and that should be encouraged.

> In practical terms, plugins are quite likely to completely bypass the 
> browser when generating sound.

Only if the plugin vendor decides to make them so.  If they have clear
guidance from a W3C specification, they would have the choice to make
their plugin a first-class citizen, and everybody would win.  Standards 
are about interoperability, right?

I don't understand why Jonathan's request is being met with such 
resistance (unless, as an earlier poster pointed out, it's his tone).  I 
have yet to hear a sound technical rationale that precludes the idea 
that CSS should not be able to control sound as well as vision.  Perhaps 
no existing CSS property is suitable, but can't we consider audio 
properties for a future version of the spec?  Even something simple like 
'audio-level' with values 0 to 1 would meet most needs.

Obviously, this would take a some time to be specified and implemented, 
and more time still to be widely supported, but will delaying it make it 
happen any quicker?

-Doug Schepers
W3C Staff Contact, SVG, CDF, and WebAPI

Received on Wednesday, 1 August 2007 06:02:24 UTC