RE: Colour gradient backgrounds and CSS textures

> [Original Message]
> From: Andrew Fedoniouk <>
> Let's be realistic:
> background-color: color [ color1 color2 color3 color4 ]
> background-image: uri [ margins1 margins2 margins3
>   margins4 [stretch flags] ]
> lightweight, realistic and will cover 90% use cases.
> SVG will cover other  as it is designed specifically for that.

As I've said before, mixing in a syntax that works for only one
property that uses <color> does not appeal to me at all, so
your approach that ties rectangular gradients into the
'background-color' property has zero appeal to me
Rectangular gradients do not make sense for several
properties that do use <color>.  I may spend some time
this weekend to come up with a fairly detailed gradient

Received on Wednesday, 12 May 2004 16:06:25 UTC