Re: Border and background images

>> Yes, that is indeed the right place, but you probably noticed that that
>> draft is quite old. It isn't abandoned, but interest in fancy borders
>> seems to have diminished a lot and it didn't seem important to publish a
>> new version.
>> However, seeing this message, maybe there is interest still and we should
>> publish another draft, even if it has many loose ends still...
> The trouble with fancy borders is the difficulty of specifying them right
> and of implementing them. But most of what page authors are doing is using
> background images to achieve the effect, inserting extra elements to have
> the necessary frames to attach them to.
> So here's an alternate proposal:
>   Leave image borders for a later draft.
>   Publish backgrounds and borders without image borders but *with a way of
>   specifying multiple backgrounds on a single element*.

If '::outide' is going to make it, can't we just use that 
pseudo-element? Also, a lot of pages are fixed width, like 
and don't really need multiple backgrounds or border images. What they 
need is proper support for '::before' and '::after'. (There is some 
support for it I believe in IE7[1].) Since it is a fixed width design 
you can easily create rounded corners when you have three "elements":


Where FOO will get the normal background, if there is any and the top, 
fixed width background with rounded corners can be applied to 
'foo::before', where the bottom, fixed width background can be applied 
to 'foo::after'. Quite easy, just not supported.

> It should be relatively easy to specify and to implement, and we'll get the
> CSS3 backgrounds and borders properties out sooner, which is needed.

Although I'm not a WG member I would like to vote for this plan. The new 
properties [css3-background] and [css3-border] are introducing are very 
much worth it.


  Anne van Kesteren

Received on Saturday, 28 August 2004 13:18:07 UTC