Re: [css3-text] Tibetan tsek justification

Etan Wexler wrote:
> When justifying Tibetan texts, is it acceptable under any of the 
> 'text-justify' values to use tsek marks as justification? Is this 
> traditional method even used in electronically composed texts? Is it 
> possible, before the CSS3 Text module reaches Proposed Recommendation, 
> to add a note explaining the eventual verdict?
> Does anybody care?

I care. Comments on CSS3 Text are most welcome, I will go over
them for the next working draft. Note, however, that I intend
to rewrite the Text Layout chapter.

> (For those who don't follow the tsek question, I refer you to The 
> Unicode Standard 4.0.1, section 9.11, "Tibetan"; see the subsection, 
> "Traditional Text Formatting and Line Justification".
> <>)



Received on Friday, 6 August 2004 06:39:01 UTC