Re: Scrollbar Code

On Friday, September 12, 2003, at 11:39 PM, Charles Kendrick wrote:

> Jackie McGhee wrote:
>> There are far more important things for CSS to tackle than this.
> If we were deciding whether to add scrollbar styling vs something 
> else, I would agree.  However, usually no such tradeoff exists for the 
> process of creating CSS specs.

Again a valid point. In my ideal world this would all be handled by the 
users OS UI prefs and what would then happen is that a user CSS would 
be generated, held in a central place and all browsers on that system 
would refer to it. Of course I haven't thought this through and it 
would be so utterly, utterly messy to get going between all the OS 

It's been a fun discussion Charles, catch you later.


Received on Friday, 12 September 2003 20:05:43 UTC