Re: Pseudo-class :framed for the body element

Yung-Fong Tang / 2003-04-09 02:01:
> Coises wrote:
>>I don't see much sense in distinguishing merely *whether* a document is
>>being shown in a frame, without any clue as to *which* frame it's in.  The
>>document might be loaded into a different site's frameset, which might
>>have nothing to do with one's reasons wanting to style the document
>>differently for display in the frame in which it was expected to appear.

I feel that this problem is orthogonal to :framed pseudo class selector. 
Frames have problems and there's a reason they aren't included in the 
latest recommendation.

> hum... some other thoguht. How about the frame which the user is 
> currenlty focus on? The page designer may want to show a golden border 
> if the user is focus on that frame. A nice way to select frame to print.

If I haven't misunderstood following should work:

html:focus { outline: medium solid gold; }

The spec says "The :focus pseudo-class applies while an element has the 
focus (accepts keyboard or mouse events, or other forms of input)." As I 
see it, html element accepts the mouse and keyboard events (hover 
effects do work and the content scrolls with arrow keys). No browser 
currently supports this.


Received on Wednesday, 9 April 2003 08:21:28 UTC