Re: Pseudo-class :framed for the body element

Coises wrote:

>[Thu, 3 Apr 2003 17:44:16 -0500 (EST)] m.m. wargers:
>>Would it be useful if one could style a page differently if it is inside a frame?
>I think so... but with a reservation.
>I don't see much sense in distinguishing merely *whether* a document is
>being shown in a frame, without any clue as to *which* frame it's in.  The
>document might be loaded into a different site's frameset, which might
>have nothing to do with one's reasons wanting to style the document
>differently for display in the frame in which it was expected to appear.
hum... some other thoguht. How about the frame which the user is 
currenlty focus on? The page designer may want to show a golden border 
if the user is focus on that frame. A nice way to select frame to print.


Received on Tuesday, 8 April 2003 19:03:55 UTC