Re: Pseudo-class :framed for the body element

[Wed, 9 Apr 2003 06:25:18 -0400 (EDT)] Mikko Rantalainen:
>> Coises wrote:
>>>I don't see much sense in distinguishing merely *whether* a document is
>>>being shown in a frame, without any clue as to *which* frame it's in.  The
>>>document might be loaded into a different site's frameset, which might
>>>have nothing to do with one's reasons wanting to style the document
>>>differently for display in the frame in which it was expected to appear.
>I feel that this problem is orthogonal to :framed pseudo class selector. 
>Frames have problems and there's a reason they aren't included in the 
>latest recommendation.

What, then, are some problems a ":framed" pseudo-class selector might
solve, upon which having any indication what the containing frameset might
be has no bearing?

I can't seem to invent a realistic example in which I would care whether
or not a certain document was in a frame, but wouldn't care whether it was
in a specific frame I built to contain it, or in some arbitrary frame from
another site used to display, say, search results.  If I need to change
the appearance or content of a document to show it in a frame, surely that
has to do with one or more *particular* framesets... not just *any* frame.
Randall Joseph Fellmy aka

Received on Wednesday, 9 April 2003 14:08:57 UTC