Re: CSS3 Selections Based On QNames

On 27 Jun 2001 21:43:52 +0100, Sean B. Palmer wrote:
> > > N.B. QNames in attributes are used, for example, in
> > > XML Schema.
> >
> > Yikes! Is that an example you _really_ want to follow?
> Of course. QNames in attributes are easily definable in any
> application of XML that uses XML Schema datatypes, so this is
> something that CSS should look out for. Using QNames in attribute
> values is very useful where you want to create a decentralized
> classing mechanism.
> Bottom line: they're useful, they're validatable, and they're being
> used... and yet CSS doesn't currently provide a selection mechansism
> for them. I see this as more of an errata point than anything that
> requires lengthy discussion.

And if really believe that even most XML Schema-aware parsers that
returns a post-schema-validation-infoset (PSVI), including all the
information needed to process QNames, today, I've got a nice bridge in
Brooklyn... only slightly used.

Yeesh.  What a catastrophe.  Namespaces still confound us, and now we've
got W3C XML Schema piling yet more confusion on.

Received on Wednesday, 27 June 2001 17:07:42 UTC