CSS2 text-shadow error

There is error in the CSS2 text-shadow definition that hasn't been remedied
in the latest errata. The current value definition for the text-shadow
property reads:

  none | [<color> || <length> <length> <length>? ,]*
  [<color> || <length> <length> <length>?] | inherit

The problem is the comma that is supposed to separate the shadow effects.
The value definition doesn't allow commas in between colors, nor does it
allow a color immediately after an offset/blur length unless it is the last
effect in the list. Even the following example from page 240 of the CSS2
spec is invalid given the current value syntax:

  text-shadow: 3px 3px red, yellow -3px 3px 2px, 3px -3px

The definition can be fixed through explicit grouping:

  none | [[<color> || <length> <length> <length>?] ,]*
  [<color> || <length> <length> <length>?] | inherit

-- Terje <terje@in-progress.com> | Media Design in*Progress
   Software for Mac Web Professionals at <http://www.in-progress.com>
   Take Advantage of Server Side XML and XSL with Interaction!

Introducing my new son Erik, born April 16th 2001, 1560g/3lb7oz...
Finally home June 11th at 6lb7oz! 

Received on Friday, 15 June 2001 07:24:13 UTC