RE: the time load-rendering order

> From:	Ignacio Javier []
> Is it possible to include an object's load importance attribute in HTML a
> la:
	[DJW:]  I don't think this is in any way HTML.

> <object data="pres.png" type="image/png" loadimportance="1"/>
> ... or is this a more related css problem?
	My feeling is that this would be taking styled HTML well
	beyond what it is appropriate for.  HTML was designed as
	a navigation tool for finding more specific formats, not
	as a multimedia animation and page description language.

	Note that a properly designed page will tend to naturally
	display things in the order in which they should be read, because
	a well designed page will be in the logical reading order when
	nothing is positioned and tables are ineffective.

	Deferring cosmetic detail in favour of signicant detail is
	likely to result in the page being abandoned before the cosmetics
	have loaded, making it better not to have used them in the first
	place (something I never really understand is why people put in
	so many cosmetics when for most of the time that a navigation page 
	is on display it is incomplete, and therefore ugly).

	Accessibility considerations, and the effect of caching, mean that
	you cannot rely on images, or their order of presentation,
	to convey critical information.

	Also note that HTTP 1.1 clients are supposed to only maintain
	two connections at a time, so will display images in succession,
	and probably in the linearised order of the page.  In fact,
	pipelining of requests will mean that maybe up to thirty image
	requests will already have been issued by the time the end of the
	HTML is reached, so any display me first image at the end will have
	to wait for all the images in the pipeline, or no requests can be
	made until the whole page has been read, or the pipeline will have
	to be aborted and restarted.

> this allows more *interesting* control
	[DJW:]  I suspect you should be looking at 
	SMIL and or SVG, or proprietory animation formats.


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Received on Tuesday, 20 February 2001 05:22:03 UTC